En fotobok om orkesterskolan El Sistema Södertäljes första fem år, som jag följt sedan starten och dokumenterat både vardag och konserter bland annat med samarbetspartnen Kungliga Filharmonikerna. Maria Hållander har intervjuat elever, föräldrar, musiklärare och orkestermusiker och skrivit om musiken , nuet och framtiden.

A book about the swedish design team Bric-a-brac and the 20 years they have been around. I did most of the photography and was part of the editorial team.

Made all the pictures and was part of the editorial team in this important book about dyslexia.

A huge project all around the world together with writer Martha Sherrill. Together we travelled the globe to capture the amazing story of Bertil Hults company EF. Did most of the photography, tracked down archive images and was part of the editorial team.

Paolos first cookbook. Did all the images in Maddaloni,Italia of the fantastic ladies and the landscape and of course Paolo (not the food in this one).

Did all the photography in this book with Paolo Roberto

Cookbook number two with Paolo Roberto. Now with his friends, both in Sweden and Italy;)))

My first cookbook with Caroline Hofberg. We went to Cornillon in France to photograph this book.

I photographed this book in Marrakech with my little son Boris only two month with me;)) Lovely memories.....;))))

I wrote a chapter and contributed with not all but some images to this book of Plura & Eldkvarn.

En fotobok om orkesterskolan El Sistema Södertäljes första fem år, som jag följt sedan starten och dokumenterat både vardag och konserter bland annat med samarbetspartnen Kungliga Filharmonikerna. Maria Hållander har intervjuat elever, föräldrar, musiklärare och orkestermusiker och skrivit om musiken , nuet och framtiden.
A book about the swedish design team Bric-a-brac and the 20 years they have been around. I did most of the photography and was part of the editorial team.
Made all the pictures and was part of the editorial team in this important book about dyslexia.
A huge project all around the world together with writer Martha Sherrill. Together we travelled the globe to capture the amazing story of Bertil Hults company EF. Did most of the photography, tracked down archive images and was part of the editorial team.
Paolos first cookbook. Did all the images in Maddaloni,Italia of the fantastic ladies and the landscape and of course Paolo (not the food in this one).
Did all the photography in this book with Paolo Roberto
Cookbook number two with Paolo Roberto. Now with his friends, both in Sweden and Italy;)))
My first cookbook with Caroline Hofberg. We went to Cornillon in France to photograph this book.
I photographed this book in Marrakech with my little son Boris only two month with me;)) Lovely memories.....;))))
I wrote a chapter and contributed with not all but some images to this book of Plura & Eldkvarn.